Srinivas RVSSDS

Senior Technical Architect

An experienced software architect, software engineer and Project Manager. Areas of expertise are analysis, design and implementation of Software Products particularly Java, J2EE based or Scala based in co-ordination with other platforms. Experienced in software development for over 20 years, and lead product development efforts consisting of various technologies and varying team sizes.

Professional experience includes the design and implementation of client- and server-based applications, web based applications, cloud based applications, data analysis, Continuous Integration and Deployment pipelines, Secure Remote Access solutions. Managed clients, products and teams of developers from product inception to delivery, mentored junior developers and provided technical direction.

Value Proposition

Should be able to make an initial impact in 3 months of joining a team and a larger impact in a year.

Impact on better alignment to the organisational priorities, Speed and Quality of delivery


Figurative map of Experience

Senior Technical architect, Cotiviti India — March 2022 onwards

Senior solutions architect, Cotiviti India — July 2021 - Feb 2022

Working on CCV CAT suite of applications for Cotiviti as Solution Architect. Java, J2EE, Spring Boot, Openshift, Vertx, AWS, Oracle based set of applications and event driven microservices to support business workflow.

Senior solutions architect, UST Global — August 2020 - June 2021

Worked on CCV CAT suite of applications for Cotiviti as Solution Architect. Java, J2EE, JBoss, Oracle based set of applications to support business workflow.

Senior solutions architect, Cotiviti india — September 2007- july 2020


Worked on CCV CAT suite of applications as Solution Architect. Java, J2EE, JBoss, Oracle based set of applications to support business workflow.

Worked on Fraud Waste and Abuse Detection solution. Java, J2EE Wildfly Oracle/SQLServer and Angular Front end solution.


Worked with Cotiviti Labs.

In the Research team of Cotiviti we worked on scala based real-time analytics engine to process claims. In the process we worked on RDF triple stores, graph execution, Akka streams. Involved in loading triples stores, writing sparql on triple stores, creating a business validation testing framework and generators for data intensive testing. Worked on Hadoop Map reduce solution for processing large sets of emails deployed as HDInsight clusters in Microsoft Azure cloud. Microsoft Azure Batch processing was also used for searching through large meta data sets. The research team was built from scratch having team members from multiple countries. Lot of work had been done on setting up team culture and a coaching model was adopted to help the team members to initially help overcome issues and later level up their performance. I had also played the role of a coach apart from individually contributing to the solutions.


Worked on various java, j2ee, spring framework, oracle based projects and products for various clients like Everbridge Inc.

Project Manager (lead architect), NetSilica (closed operations in 2007) — april 2000- january 2007

Store and share your files from anywhere in the world, similar to dropbox or onedrive. Java based solution in co-ordination with VC++ based desktop installable. (link from wayback). EPN Data Transfer : An enterprise Peer Network Secure Data Transfer Solution for being able to access personal files and mails. Java based solution in co-ordination with VC++ based desktop installable. Netsilica Application Security Gateway and Web Security Gateway Allowed for secure access to applications and corporate intranet websites without having to install VPN on the accessing devices. Java based reverse proxy solution along with Java signed applet for accessing client side resources. Formed in 1999, NetSilica responded to the growing need for companies to efficiently access and exchange information by developing unique security platform bridging identity and access for cost effective, secure solutions, for any size enterprise, on a choice of Appliance or as software. NetSilica's products are leading the evolution of enterprise-class, Identity and Access solutions, with integrated Access Management and Application Security. NetSilica's products are based on its patent pending EPN technology and security architecture, providing enterprise class solutions to solve the complex problems of delivering applications based on identity.

Responsible for designing, developing and maintaining products of NetSilica.

 Open Source

Github profile

Mostly worked with open source projects, a little bit of contribution. As a hobby built some gh-pages.

Few articles on observablehq


Equivalent to Masters in Computer Science. (DOEACC ‘C’ Level), November 2008

B.Arch.(Hons.) IIT Kharagpur, India, 1997.



People (Teams)



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